

Updated on 16th April 2024 at 7:52 am
When I’m asked what area in my life is a continual focus it often circles back to balance. Balance is the equilibrium between the body, mind and spirit, family, relationships, work and play… maintaining balance in all areas of your life is essential for your wellbeing, happiness and productivity. It’s easy for anyone to get caught up in the demands and chaos of everyday life, but there are simple steps you can take (and you can control), to regain greater balance so you’re functioning at your optimum and at the same time living in a more synchronised and harmonious manner. You’re also then more able to focus your attention and energy on attaining your goals, and moving forward in a meaningful way. These are some of the adjustments you can make to bring balance back to your life.
Say no
I often felt compelled to take on all that was thrown at me even when my schedule was crazy and out of control, but now I’ve realised it’s just not possible to do everything and maintain a healthy balance, so unless it’s essential or adds value, I pass on it. People end up respecting you more for setting boundaries and being true to yourself, so don’t feel compelled to always say yes. It may even leave a door open for a more fulfilling opportunity!
Turn your TV and computer off, put down your phone and be present when you finish work for the day. Give yourself and your mind a rest and spend quality time connecting with family and friends. It’s amazing how free you can feel when you release yourself from technology.
As the old saying goes, laughter is the best medicine. Allow yourself moments to indulge in your inner child… I love nothing more than a belly laugh with my family and friends, it’s incredibly reenergising.
Health is wealth
If you can’t find an hour, set aside 15 minutes for some form of exercise each day – even if it’s just a brisk walk in the fresh air. Your body will release endorphins that naturally help manage stress and clear your mind.
Your body needs to rest and recover. Sleep is a time when your body repairs itself on a cellular level. Each evening I spray my pillow with Calming Lavender Mist, put on an eye mask and listen to an evening meditation… this little ritual helps me unwind and drift into a deep beneficial sleep.
The benefits of meditation and deep belly breathing are endless, even 5 – 10 minutes is enough to recentre and refocus, and it can transform a challenging day into a rewarding one. I try to meditate at different intervals throughout the day, and I also start my day with the practice of positive affirmation and prayer.
Reward yourself
Treat yourself often. It may be as simple as a glass of wine after a long day, a cup of your favourite tea, buying yourself a bunch of flowers, lighting a scented candle and taking a bath, applying a facemask, or a pedicure or massage on your day off. It’s important to reward yourself and acknowledge your achievements.
Remove toxins, clutter and negativity
This goes for everything from people to products. Remove toxic influences… try to avoid negative people (if you can) and surround yourself with those who have positive, upbeat attitudes. Choose organic when and where possible including household products, skincare and food. Minimise the clutter around you, I often find if my environment is organised, my mind is naturally more organised.
Plan and prioritise
Try to plan and prepare for your day as much as possible, this will allow you to ensure you aren’t over committing yourself and you can prioritize anything that is essential or important. I like to look at my weekly schedule on the Friday morning before so I can make any necessary changes, this allows me to more fully enjoy the weekend, as I know my week ahead is achievable. I’d love to hear what you do to maintain balance. Much love, Miranda xxx

2 thoughts on “Balance

  1. Victoria

    I read your blog Miranda. It helps me to stay happy and I feel natural. Thank you for all the articles. I’m so grateful for everything.

  2. Christine Boguth

    Organizing is key for me when it comes to balancing. Planning is essential with a small child!
    I set times aside to exercise, to have a walk, to take my son to the park, to have a cup of tea and a bath..even buying a book I love as audio and listening while taking long drives around the beach .
    Women are marvelous at multitasking but our strength can quickly become our weakness! Plan ahead. Even sometimes to do nothing. Best wishes


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